Daily Photography

If you are a photographer, you should work on improving your skills every day even if you have already achieved good results in this sphere. Reading photography books, communicating in photo forums and taking photography classes can be good practice, but these activities will not help you learn how to efficiently manage your photography equipment.

The same as sportsmen lose their physical strength and shape if they do not exercise enough, photographers lose their expertise if they use their camera only once a year on holidays. Such ‘photographers’ stop developing their photographic skills and the ability to see potential photos around themselves.

Pictures Around Us

Do exercise in photography regularly, as often as you watch TV, which means everyday. Forget long preparations. Do not prepare yourself for the whole week to take a camera on the weekend. You should constantly train your eye. Even if you might not have a camera with you, use your eyes as a lens focusing on potentially interesting shots. Just stop and think what mode you would choose in your cam, what aperture you’d set. It is a good exercise to develop your own photographic taste.

An experienced photographer knows that the best subjects to shoot and best photography situations can be found in our everyday life – at home, on the way to work, etc. You just need to stop and notice them. And of course have a camera with you.

Always have your camera with you. Many aspiring photographers do not take their cameras to work and miss lots of great opportunities to take a good photo. And in most cases we can’t come back, because the moment has gone and we will never see the same subject in the same situation. BUT if you always have a camera with you, you are ready any time to shoot.

Lunch time – photographer’s time

You should understand one thing. You can always do photography, no matter where and how you work. Either you are a driver, a white collar, a builder or an engineer, it is possible to find time for one or two shots a day. Lunch is an ideal time for your photography exercises.

Lunch Photography Technique

  1. Take your camera and choose an interesting subject to shoot. Take a few photos with your ordinary lenses.
  2. The next day shoot the same subject with different lenses and settings and from different angles till you get everything from it.
  3. Be creative. Shoot a reflection in the puddle, mystique shadows, office stationary, things outside, geographical figures, lines, or people around you (in the latter case, pls, be careful not be too intrusive).

Do photography everyday for a few minutes (for a few photos at least), and your learning process will go 20 times faster. You will feel your camera and your eye will notice more and more outstanding in ordinary things. Do not wait for a weekend or a special event to take your camera.

10 Websites with Great Photography

Photography can make or break a website - got a great site with lame pictures, then you’ve got a lame website. Today we’re going to take a look at the ones that got it right…

  1. Incase - Lovely close up photos of the products allow you to see the textures of them.
  2. Nike - Every Nike website has great photography, I’ve chosen to showcase their Golf site here.
  3. Brook Pifer - Large quality photography is the main focus of Brook’s portfolio site, some really striking imagery.
  4. Stratocucine - Large crisp photos of the modernist kitchen designs makes this site.
  5. The Touch Agency - Nice Graphic design portfolio site, uses effective photography to display their work.
  6. Dirk Lambrechts - Great fashion and beauty photography portfolio from Dirk Lambrechts.
  7. Design House Stockholm - Makes use of high quality black and white photos for the background.
  8. Albert Oviedo - Some cracking photos in this Photography portfolio site.
  9. Georgiew - Photography portfolio.
  10. Andreas Burz - Another great photography portfolio.

HDR Tutorials Roundup

HDR (High Dynamic Range) Photography is a technique that is becoming very popular at the moment, an HDR photo is created using software such as Photoshop or Photomatix and produces images with more detail in the highlights and shadows. Here we digg out the best tutorials and resources to help you get to grips with it.

Fake Crop Circles Photoshop Tutorial

Aliens from outer space or fakes created by people with far too much time on their hands ? Who knows, or indeed cares ? Here we present you with an easy way to create fake ones using photoshop.

Photo Retouching - Change Hair Color Photoshop Tutorial

Part 3 of the photo retouching series is a how to on changing someones hair color, no bleach required! We will be taking a blonde model and changing her hair color to red.

Photo Retouching - Teeth Whitening Photoshop Tutorial

This is our second tutorial on the subject of photo-retouching, in the last we learned how to retouch skin, in this we will be whitening some teeth without the need to go near a nasty dentist.

Photo Retouching - Skin Photoshop Tutorial

This will be our first tutorial on the subject of re-touching a photograph in photoshop.
We will be working on a photo of a model and using a few techniques to smooth and even out the skin.

Simple Photoshop Sepia Effect Photoshop Tutorial

Sometimes you want that yellowing-old-photograph look for your image, but the tired old plugins just aren’t working for you; everything looks like it was run through a filter instead of aged by the hands of time. Maybe you’re looking for a mix of the original colors and the fading past. Here’s a simple tutorial to help you find your way to just the right blend of old and new.

Photoshop Magnifying Glass Tutorial

This is a nice easy method to create the illusion of a magnifying glass which you can lay over any background you like.